Giving Back to the Architectural Visualization Community
Why we start the movement?
We believe that Indonesian 3D artists have good artistic skills because Indonesia has a strong culture and arts. Still, most of them didn’t get any exposure and didn’t get any chance to show their talent to the world through Architecture 3D Visualization.
2G Studio was born from an Indonesian Architecture Visualization Community called IDVN, a place where Indonesian artists share their knowledge in the 3D architectural visualization industry, learn together, grow together, and help each other.
AVIS.ID and 2G Academy
We decide to create a new community for 3D visualizers or 3D artists in Indonesia called Architecture Visualization Indonesia, or we can spell it AVIS.ID. This community is a part of our movement to help Indonesian 3D artists to learn 3D Rendering skills and grow their business in the Architectural Visualization Industry. We also bring back our 2G Academy as an educational platform to learn the technique based on our experience in 3d visualization industry for more than ten years. We are continuously providing content, blogs, vlogs, tutorials, and creating many events like online portfolio review, business and mindset talk, and Architalk to help them grow in terms of skills and mindset to help them grow in this architectural visualization industry.
Why we need an Architectural Visualization Community?
We believe that a positive environment can help people learn and grow three times faster because they can help each other when they encounter an obstacle. Motivate each other and inspires others so this community will grow stronger and becomes like family. And the most important thing is we have a place called HOME.
Road Show on 5 Big Cities in Indonesia
We are creating a unique workshop program to create professional interior renderings with corona render. This event was held in 5 Big Cities, Bali, Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya, right before Covid 19 virus spreading in Indonesia. We are fortunate that we can meet in person and share our knowledge on offline events.
What did we do during the pandemic Covid-19?
The covid-19 virus hit us starting around March 2020. Many projects become on hold, and business suddenly stopped. We decided to create something for our architectural visualization community to use this lockdown time to learn something new and get ready after the new normal start. We create tutorials to create professional 3D Interior Rendering and put these tutorials on our youtube channel. It’s totally free, and everyone can have access to learn from our knowledge. Of course, it’s using the Indonesian language because our movement is for the Indonesian 3D Artist.
Besides that, we also do some free portfolio online reviews and business and mindset talks every week to keep in touch with each other, learn something new, share our knowledge, and hold hands together to get through this pandemic.
Interior Rendering Tutorial for Beginner