2G STUDIO CGI Creative Agency and Award Winning Architectural Visualization Studio from Bali Indonesia

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2G Studio Got Award of Excellence

In December 2013, 2G Studio became a member of ASAI (The American Society of Architectural Illustrators). We’d like to thank Masaki Yamada for his recommendation of becoming an ASAI member. Masaki Yamada is the Chief Illustrator of Nikken Sekkei, Tokyo, ASAI delegate of Asia and the former president of ASAI.

Previously we didn’t know about ASAI or AIP (Architecture in Perspective) Awards and once we opened the ASAI website, there were lots of great and stunning work. For example, most of the wins of the Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize were Neoscape. Obviously after looking at these pieces, we were on fire of excitement and eager to submit our work.

Every year, ASAI holds AIP awards. About 60 pieces of artwork are selected by a jury of architecture, design and illustration professionals. Unfortunately we couldn’t submit our previous portfolio since it’s based on photo references of an already built project and a requisite is that it has to be based on an unbuilt one. At the time I was re-doing the Bali Villa scene from my old portfolio, ‘twas more like unfinished business, so there was a re-designing of the project on the Christmas Holidays and a continuation of the creation of the modelling, texturing and final image renderings after the holidays. We only had 1 week to finish the scene and submit the image so we were working hard to meet the deadline. Finally we managed to submit the image and we are very happy to announce that the Bali Villa scene got an Award of Excellence. Here are the 2 images submitted for AIP 29 for ASAI: